ReCenter Culture

Associations and Institutions — Co-Founder
Lisboa, Portugal, 2021

Creator and Co-Founder of reCenter Culture, a support platform for the cultural sector active between 2021 and 2023.

Presented on May 27, 2021 at Grémio Literário, it was the result of a partnership between experimentadesign, DFK and Grupo Your, and had the support of Ivity and AMP Associates. It was a platform created during the pandemic, as a reaction to the tremendous negative impact this situation imposed to the Portuguese cultural sector. It was designed in 2020, implemented in 2021/22 and ended in 2023.

ReCenter Culture was created as a support agency of the Portuguese cultural sector, specialised in the area of management, strategic design and financing of cultural activities. It aimed to be a collaborator in the development of national and european projects in the area of culture, working also to establish symbiotic relationships with other sectors of society and to represent the Portuguese cultural sphere alongside the European Community. 

In addition to launching the debate on forms of investment in the cultural sector in Portugal with a significant impact on the media and the general public, its greatest result was the participation in the Cotec 2022 Meeting in Portugal, having contributed to the topic “When Culture Meets Innovation” discussed by Portugal, Italy and Spain, as well as contributing to the definition of the program and the presentation of the “A Passarola” project. GMG represented reCenter Culture in one of this day’s debates.
