Effect D

Exhibitions, Social Action — Commissary, Curator
, 2009

Curator and commissioner of the international component of Effect D, where design intertwined with the theme of Trisomy 21.

Effect D  was born from the desire to contribute to the Centro de Desenvolvimento Infantil Diferenças, a center specializing in children with disabilities, particularly those with Down syndrome (Trisomy 21). Based in Portugal, it is one of the most advanced centers in Europe, supporting thousands of children.

To generate funds for Diferenças, BBDO Portugal launched Effect D, challenging Portuguese designers to create new products characterized by an element or coefficient of difference and distinction in their design and concept.

experimentadesign joined the initiative under the curation and direction of GMG, organizing and curating the international section of the project, inviting a group of renowned designers, and designing the exhibition.

In September, as part of EXD’09, a groundbreaking showcase was presented at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, featuring sketches, drawings, 3D projects, and prototypes.

The goal of Effect D  was to create a line of unique design products for commercialization in Portugal and abroad.

Effect D was conceived and developed on a pro-bono basis by all involved.
