Categories for Conferences and Debates


RockPaperPixel Conference

December 2, 2021 4:26 pm Published by

GMG was one of the lecturers of the second edition of “Rock Paper Pixel”, in the context of FADFest – Festival de les Arts i del Disseny de Barcelona (Barcelona’s Festival of Arts and Design) – where also participated Debbie Millman and Maria Popova.

Design versus Design

December 2, 2021 3:57 pm Published by

Taking place in Galeria Municipal de Matosinhos, the debate brought together Adalberto Dias, Guta Moura Guedes, José Bartolo, José Carvalho Araújo, Pedro América, Rui Grazina and Toni Grilo. Maria Milano and Roberto Cremascoli were the moderators.